How to help us – Private donation

Why help us?

-Participate in a social project you liked, which makes possible for underpriviledged young students to live an unforgettable experience.

-We can shoot anything you want for you, just for you: places you always wanted to visit, monuments you always wanted to stand before, people you always wanted to meet and share with… We’ll make you travel with us.

-Thanks to YOU, we’ll be able to seize this unique opportunity to accomplish a world tour as leading a serious project.


  • By lending us or giving us something we need: a backpack, a Lonely Planet book… You can discover the list of the stuff we need for this world tour on the “Equipment list” page
  • By a donation through paypal or by check or by meeting us
  • By hosting us or recommending us to people who could host us or meet us and make us discover cool things in their country during our trip


You can download our brochure here


  • michelon says:

    Parcourez le monde à la rencontre de l’autre et enrichissez-vous mutuellement . C’est une très belle initiative à laquelle je peux apporter une modeste contribution dès que le site de paiement Paypal sera en place…

  • diener laurent ( Centre E.Leclerc ) says:

    L’équipe que je dirige ainsi que moi même vous souhaite de passer un très bon réveillon.
    Bien entendu nous continuons à savourer a travers vos commentaires ainsi que vos photos de votre voyage.
    Merci pour la dédicace Nico !
    A très vite
    Laurent and Co

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